The New “Energy Platform” that Improves people’s lifestyle
- Artificial intelligence (A.I.) – Deep Learning
- Cloud & Edge Computing – Fog Computing for Scalability
- Internet of Things (IoT) – Cognitive Embedded Hardward
- Big Data Analytics – Algorithm

Next Energy Grid should be redesigned with “Data technologies”
The technology-based innovations is arriving much faster than we thought. Low-cost sensors, two-way communicating devices, and cloud computing together empower a home & building that are self-aware in terms of its ability to efficiently consume energy

The New Smart Grid Paradigm (Post Smart Grid)
- New Gen of Smart Meter ! (1 Second Real-Time IoT Meter)
In the age of big data, all data will be regarded as valuable, in and of itself. In the past 30 years, because of too slow computing power and too expensive storage, there were no easy ways to collect, store, and analyze such data, which severely limited the opportunities to extract its potential value. The existing smart meter had developed at that time.
What am I doing now ?
BIG DATA : All the real-time Petabyte Data (1 second) from Smart IoT Meter
Immediate check and do action after machine/human operation
Match the time with user’s demand response (Emergent DR)
Accurate Predictions & Predictive Diagnosis
Personalized information with Behavior analytics
Notification of past action
SMALL DATA : Sampled Byte Data (15~30 minutes) form Smart Meter / AMI)
Confirm 30 minutes later the user’s demand response and machine operation
Inaccurate predictions due to not-fine data
Can not analyze the user’s life pattern
- ENERGY BREAKDOWN (NILM) through Energy Fingerprint of Appliances
Each of the appliances in your home has its own personality. Thus a household’s energy use discloses private information, be it the residents’ daily behavior, health conditions or illegal activities
Previously, we did not have an access to information of which appliances use most energy. Now with IoT Smart Meter, you know exactly where to pinpoint your attention for smart energy consumption.
All of NILM technology is still stuck in the customized level for an individual home. Despite the messiness of IoT Smart Meter NLIM now, it will be more accurate than those of other systems (though still highly imprecise) like Google Translate, and Apple Siri.
IoT Smart Meter’s NILM improves itself over time by analyzing the ever-larger collection of energy data its users generate when interacting with IoT Smart Meter
- BIG DATA ANALYTICS (Mathematical algorithms drive all our contents)
Make informed decisions based on DATA, Not by old customs or misleading experiences
- Behavioral DEMAND RESPONSE (Mobile-driven)
Detail demand information helps to optimize distributions and transmissions of electricity. A utility may be able to meet its demand without constructing a new power plant or adding massive distribution and transmission network.
The “Feed-in tariffs” offer DR participants a premium price above market value for the saved energy they reduce, so It can be as firm as Generation, enables Grid flexibility
Changes in electric usage by demand-side resources from their normal consumption patterns in response to changes in the price of electricity over time, or to incentive payments designed to induce lower electricity use at times of high wholesale market prices or when system reliability is jeopardized
- New Energy-based BUSINESSES (Open Energy Platform for Connected Devices)